Updated November 3, 2021
This Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) describe how Careborne Sensible Medical by Salud Medical and Consulting LLC (SMC, WE, US, OUR) and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, including the medical practices and other healthcare entities with which SMC contracts, may use and disclose (YOU, YOUR) protected health information (PHI) of patients.
NPP applies to all SMC websites, including www.careborne.com, applications, and services. NPP does not apply to websites, applications or services that display or link to different privacy statements.
By using this website and OUR services, you agree to this NPP.
Protected Health Information
PHI is information, including demographic information, that may identify YOU and relate to YOUR past, present or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services.
PHI may be used by SMC or disclosed to other health care professionals for the purpose of evaluating YOUR health, diagnosing medical conditions, and providing services. For example, SMC may need to provide PHI to a health care provider to whom YOU are referred.
Medication History
SMC uses an electronic medical record system. In addition to electronic prescribing, this system also allows US to obtain certain elements of YOUR medical history (such as medications that YOU have been prescribed) from a variety of sources, such as pharmacies, state databases, and health plans. This information may include medicines to treat AIDS/HIV and medicines used to treat mental health conditions, such as depression. This information will become a permanent part of YOUR medical record.
PHI may be used to seek payment from third party payors (such as an automobile insurer or a worker’s compensation policy) or from credit card companies that YOU use to pay.
Health Care Operations
PHI may be used as necessary to review and adjust the day-to-day activities and management of SMC. WE may also share YOUR medical information with our “business associates” that perform administrative services for US. WE have a written contract with each of these business associates that contains terms requiring them and their subcontractors to protect the confidentiality and security of YOUR medical information.
Required by Law
SMC may use or disclose PHI without YOUR authorization to the governmental/regulatory entities in any situation in which such disclosure is required by law (e.g., State and federal licensing authorities, public health authorities, law-enforcement agencies, coroners, worker’s compensation boards, Food and Drug Administration).
For example, SMC is required to report certain communicable diseases to the state’s public health department. When WE report suspected elder or dependent adult abuse or domestic violence, WE will inform YOU promptly unless in OUR best professional judgment, WE believe the notification would place YOU at risk of serious harm or would require informing a personal representative WE believe is responsible for the abuse or harm.
Further, in the case of a breach of unsecured PHI, WE will notify YOU as required by law.
Appointment Reminders
WE may use or disclose PHI to contact YOU regarding a scheduled appointment.
Information about Medical Condition
PHI may be used to send YOU information on the treatment and management of YOUR medical condition and related goods and services that YOU may find to be of interest.
Other Permitted and Required Uses and Disclosures
Other permitted and required uses and disclosures will be made only with YOUR consent, authorization, or opportunity to object unless required by law.
YOU have the right to request restrictions on the use and disclosure of PHI by a written request specifying what limitations on OUR use or disclosure of PHI YOU wish to have imposed. WE may not be required to agree to the restriction that YOU requested due to limitations contained in the applicable laws and WE will notify YOU of OUR decision to reject YOUR request.
YOU have the right to receive communications from US concerning YOUR medical condition and treatment through reasonable, confidential alternative means selected by YOU.
YOU have the right to inspect and copy PHI. To access YOUR medical information, YOU must submit a written request by contacting SMC in writing detailing what information YOU want access to, whether YOU want to inspect it or get a copy of it, and YOUR preferred form and format. SMC will provide copies in YOUR requested form and format if it is readily producible or provide YOU with an alternative format YOU find acceptable. SMC will charge a reasonable fee which covers OUR costs for labor, supplies, postage, and if requested and agreed to in advance, the cost of preparing an explanation or summary, as allowed by applicable law. WE may deny YOUR request under limited circumstances.
YOU have the right to amend or submit corrections to PHI by submitting a written request including the reasons YOU believe the information is incorrect or incomplete. SMC is not required to change YOUR health information and will provide YOU with information regarding OUR denial of such requested amendment. If WE deny YOUR request, YOU may submit a written statement of YOUR disagreement with that decision, and WE may, in turn, prepare a written rebuttal.
YOU have the right to receive an accounting of how and to whom PHI has been disclosed; provided, however, SMC is not required to provide to YOU an accounting of disclosures made for the purposes of treatment, payment, health care operations, information provided directly to YOU, information provided pursuant to YOUR written authorization, and certain government functions.
YOU have the right to receive a printed copy of this NPP.
YOU have the right to revoke YOUR authorization to disclose PHI at any time, in writing, except to the extent that WE have already taken an action in reliance on the use or disclosure of PHI.
WE prominently post the current NPP on SMC website. As permitted by law, SMC reserves the right to amend or modify this NPP. If WE make any changes to NPP, WE will change the updated date above. These changes may be required by changes in federal and state laws and regulations. Whatever the reason for these revisions, WE will provide YOU with a revised NPP on YOUR next appointment. The revised NPP will be applied to all PHI that WE maintain, regardless of when it was created or received.
If YOU would like to submit a comment or complaint about this NPP, YOU can do so by sending US a letter. OUR updated contact information is displayed on this website. YOU also have the right to submit a complaint to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services if YOU believe YOUR privacy rights have been violated. YOU will not be penalized or otherwise retaliated against for filing a complaint.
If YOU have any questions about this NPP, please contact SMC via this website or by mail at the address displayed on this website.